
2024-05-21 – RunLog

  • Course: Planet Fitness Treadmill
  • Distance: 4.0
  • Time: 38:20
  • Pace: 9:35
  • Avg H/R: 149
  • Temp: Indoors
  • Shoes: Karhu Ikoni 2.0 (14.99)

I’ve been looking at Garmin’s 5K plan by Greg McMillan and today if I followed that, was 6x.25 @ my wanna be race pace. Now let’s be honest, I really haven’t had any urge to race, but I also know that I want to start training for my own peace of mind. I enjoy the drudgery of training, it forces me out of my comfort zone and makes me do more than the old man shuffle that seems to be too much a part of my running since I got back to it.

I’ve done quarter and tenths at that speed, but not that many (6) and certainly not with only a .13 recovery between them. So, I figured it was going to be a tough workout.

Guess what – it was!

When I’m first getting back into doing harder speed work, I prefer to use the treadmill. That way I can’t cheat on the paces and go too fast or too slow. So even though it was a beautiful day outside, I went to the gym and beat on Planet Fitness’s treadmill.

I sucked wind bad and after the third quarter did a bit of holding on for the last 3, but I finished 6 quarters at the speed I wanted. Even with the holding on, I consider it a great workout, because the legs didn’t get to slow down and nothing broke, complained or whined, well other me whining about how hard it was. The left foot felt fine, the right upper hamstring didn’t complain and if I had really pushed, I could have done it without the holding on, but I’m not there  mentally yet. I will get there.

The t-shirt was pretty well soaked when I got done.

Though the Ikoni’s did fine, as long as my plantar doesn’t get grumpy, I’ll go ahead and use my 361 Flames for the next set of intervals that I do, though until I can complete the workout without holding, I won’t up the speed quite yet.

Good workout.

Even though I screwed up with the watch and how to use the Garmin training plan on it this time.



I’m Harold

I’m having fun doing things that I love and finding different paths along that road less traveled by.

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