
2024-05-18 – RunLog

This morning while sitting eating breakfast, I was working on my Daily Note in Roam and was reflecting on the short book on VO2 Max by Brady Holmer and how I felt about what I had read yesterday. Some things made lots of sense and while I’m not sure about everything that he wrote in it when it comes to VO2 and its importance. His writing did motivate me to look closer at what I want to do as an athlete going forward.

I might be an old fart, but yes, I still consider myself an athlete. Just older, a lot slower, not quite as motivated, and maybe a little smahter than I was once upon a time. For the past 3-4 years I’ve been coasting along not really challenging myself, injured or in a blah zone. Yeah, the pandemic did wonders for my running and fitness. I think this comment that I wrote pretty much says it all:

I have a choice either keep doing what I’ve been doing and be half-arsed about my fitness or actually do the things that I need to do get in the shape that I want. It is a choice, so whatcha gonna do Harold?

It’s all about making choices and the ones that I make from here on out will determine the athlete I will be.

Yeah, the choices I make.

This morning’s run.

  • Course: Planet Fitness-Seton-First Rangeway Loop
  • Distance: 3.73
  • Time: 36:49
  • Pace: 9:53
  • Avg H/R: 145
  • Temp: 73*
  • Shoes: Karhu Ikoni 2.0 (4.73)

It was actually a really nice day for a run, I think the Garmin temp is a bit higher than reality, it was overcast and by the time I got back on First Rangeway it was raining lightly. Which I enjoyed. The Karhu’s did fine and feel as cushioned as some higher stack height shoes that I’ve been running in lately. So, I think they’ll be a good addition to my rotation.

The run itself was pretty good through about 26:00 minutes. At that point into the run, I seemed to run out of mental energy more than physical. It was that little hill just beyond the market, one that shouldn’t get me as much as it does. I could feel the heart rate starting to climb and decided to walk and did the same a couple more times as I got through the dip and towards the light. Then I ran fine the rest of the way. I’m wondering if the little hills and stuff are more a mental thing than something physical for now. Though I was getting tired when I did walk the first time.

Perhaps Harold, you are only in shape for a good 2.0 miles and need to work a bit more to get in 3.0-mile shape. Have you ever thought about that? Which might be the case, but I can go a lot further on flats without too much problem, so I’m thinking it is something going on inside the old noggin more than a physical one, or simply being too fat and out of shape. Which there is a lot of truth to that as well.

So, am I willing to do the work to get back into condition that I want, or do I just sort of float along and continue what I’m doing…that stay in half-arsed shape, but not really good enough to do much more than I already am. I know what I want to do and know what I have to do to get there, but the question becomes what I will do long term, not just the next couple of weeks and then loose interest. Which seems to be a pattern I’ve fallen into with my running and fitness.

Anyway, today’s run was overall a good one, now to start making choices.



I’m Harold

I’m having fun doing things that I love and finding different paths along that road less traveled by.

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