
  • Running Shoes – Oh Yeah!

    No return to blogging would be complete for this Harold without talking about running shoes. Nope, I’m not doing running shoe reviews for anyone, but I still love me some running shoes. Though I gotta admit that I’m not running in as many as I used to or as many miles either. Though the old… Read more

  • 2024-05-23 – RunLog

    It’s been a busy week, but we’re getting a LOT done. Yesterday was my scheduled rest day which was nice since we had some house maintenance being done and then I had my D&D session that afternoon/evening. Then today I drove over to Berlin, NH with TheWife to pay her respects to her family buried… Read more

  • 2024-05-21 – RunLog

    Course: Planet Fitness Treadmill Distance: 4.0 Time: 38:20 Pace: 9:35 Avg H/R: 149 Temp: Indoors Shoes: Karhu Ikoni 2.0 (14.99) I’ve been looking at Garmin’s 5K plan by Greg McMillan and today if I followed that, was 6x.25 @ my wanna be race pace. Now let’s be honest, I really haven’t had any urge to… Read more

  • 2024-05-19 – RunLog

    I wasn’t sure what I was going to do for a run this morning and wanted something between 3 and 5 miles. I also needed a course where I could get my confidence back. I know that I’m in better shape than I’ve shown lately. However, I’ve struggled mentally with running up some pretty small… Read more

  • Cain Lokris – A Character in the Making

    Cain Lokris – A Character in the Making

    Originally this was a three part blog series regarding my newest D&D Character, that I’ve brought here, because I want it here as well. I have been enjoying playing D&D 5e and every so often will update something that happens during a session or if I need to create a new backstory for a character,… Read more

  • 2024-05-18 – RunLog

    This morning while sitting eating breakfast, I was working on my Daily Note in Roam and was reflecting on the short book on VO2 Max by Brady Holmer and how I felt about what I had read yesterday. Some things made lots of sense and while I’m not sure about everything that he wrote in… Read more

I’m Harold

I’m having fun doing things that I love and finding different paths along that road less traveled by.

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