2024-05-23 – RunLog

It’s been a busy week, but we’re getting a LOT done. Yesterday was my scheduled rest day which was nice since we had some house maintenance being done and then I had my D&D session that afternoon/evening. Then today I drove over to Berlin, NH with TheWife to pay her respects to her family buried there. Just a quick over and back kind of drive. On the way back, we could see we were racing a pretty good storm the whole way and beat it to the house by about 10-15 minutes. Which was good because it was a nasty rain for about 45 minutes or so and would have been a pain in the arse to drive in.

After it was over, I decided to go for my run. Which was a helluva lot nicer than what it would have been before the storm cleared the air, when it was 84* and humid.

  • Course: Philbrick Laps
  • Distance: 3.23
  • Time: 31:59
  • Pace: 9:54
  • Avg H/R: 143
  • Temp: 68*
  • Shoes: Karhu Ikoni 2.0 (18.22)

This was supposed to a 40:00 minute easy run and while I didn’t get to 40:00, I felt comfortable with the run and didn’t do much more than work on form a little and keep moving along at a steady pace. I am working on running slower and keeping the heart rate in a bit lower range than usual. Seemed to work, though the pace was still under 10:00

Good run.


I’m Harold

I’m having fun doing things that I love and finding different paths along that road less traveled by.

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