2024-05-17 – RunLog

Yeah, I figure that I’ll start these back up as well, if nothing else it keeps me honest about what I’m doing as a runner and gets rid of the fantasies that abound in my head at times.

I did two runs today, not so much that it was part of the plan, because I really am not running with a plan yet, more because I got in a new pair of running shoes and was excited to try them out. I’m just trying to consistently get out the door and build a base, so that I get back to enjoying my running, versus getting on the struggle bus just to run.

  • Course: Troy Trail O/B
  • Distance: 3.01
  • Time: 31:03
  • Pace: 10:19
  • Avg H/R: 151
  • Temp: 66*
  • Shoes: Craft Pro Endurance (131.51

My first mile was pretty good, but I crashed and burned on the little hill coming back from Tiffany and then again on Stevens Hill. It seems with each passing year that the hills get bigger and I walk more up them. Though the last bit, I was struggling with the warmer temps and I could feel the heart rate going up, so I slowed down. Even so, it’s about where I’ve been for this course this year, so not a bad run

Run #2

I got in the Karhu Ikoni 2.0’s that I ordered off eBay for under $30 plus shipping. A pretty good deal and I’ve run in 4-5 Karhu shoes before, so I was comfortable getting another pair. They fit well and felt comfortable. When I took them out for a walk, I could tell they were pretty much brand new shoes from the way the outsole looked and how my feet felt on that first walk. I thought about taking them out for a 3.0 mile first ride, but once out there it was 77* and I decided that with everything going on with my left foot, that a mile was enough.

  • Course: Philbrick/Howard Lap
  • Distance: 1.0
  • Time: 9:23
  • Average H/R: 142 – this surprised me, because I’ve been closer to 150+ for most runs lately
  • Temp: 77* – too damned hot
  • Shoes: Karhu Ikoni 2.0 (1.0)

The Karhu’s did fine and it will be interesting to see how they do tomorrow on a longer run – no not anything stupid, probably 3-5 miles, in Waterville and away from the bigger hills, that I play with out in Sidney.

I’m Harold

I’m having fun doing things that I love and finding different paths along that road less traveled by.

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